If you have been noticing an increase in your gas bill, there are a variety of things you can do to bring it down. Some of the strategies are common sense, while others are more of a surprise. Implementing just one of the changes below can help make a dent in how much you have to spend each month on gas. Combining some or all of these helpful tips, however, could really add up to some major savings.
Conduct an Energy Audit
To conduct an energy audit, begin by going room-to-room in your home, and inspecting all the areas that could potentially have leaks to the outside. This includes any pipes, plumbing, air vents, doors that lead to the outside, and windows. If it is determined that any cold air is coming in from any of these locations, you will need to have them sealed up. This could be done by using spray foam or caulk that prevents air from entering the piping. You can also install insulation around any drafty electrical sockets. For door frames and windows that are bringing in cold air, you can install pressure-sensitive rubber or plastic weather strips. Fixing any drafts from doors and windows that are not properly sealed can help save 10 to 25% of your heating bill.
Get a Smart Thermostat
Another helpful tool for bringing down your gas bill is upgrading your system with a smart thermostat. With a smart thermostat, you are able to optimize your home’s heating and cooling needs by programming when the temperature should change based on the schedules of you and your loved ones. For example, you could have it set so that your thermostat automatically lowers the heat during the hours that your family is typically out of the house. Smart thermostats are controllable from your phone or other device, so you can make adjustments from anywhere, even when you are on vacation. Some smart thermostats even have features like multi-zone functionality, which provides the ability to control the temperature of rooms individually. Some models even allow you to track your usage so that you can make further adjustments to save even more money.
Incrementally Lowering Your Thermostat
Lowering the heat in your home will save you money, but a drastic change in temperature could be uncomfortable. Making the change incrementally can make the change less noticeable while adding up to some major savings. Each degree that you lower your thermostat equals 3% in savings on your gas bill. So, if you lower your thermostat by 1°F a week, after four weeks, you are looking at having the thermostat at a level that is going to save you 12% on your energy bill.
Reuse Any Heat From Other Sources
Anytime you do things like take a shower or use a gas-powered oven to cook a meal, you can extend the use of the same amount of heat. Simply open the bathroom door after your shower or keep the oven open after you have shut it off and are done cooking to help bring the warmth up in your home a bit.
Keep Warmth in by Optimizing Window Areas
As you know, the outside temperature drops significantly once the sun goes down. Drawing your blinds or curtains once it is dark can help keep warmth inside by aiding in the prevention of the cold from getting in. You can take this further by investing in curtains that are thermally insulated. They have a high-density foam core, which serves to prevent any heat from getting out. Insulated panels are another option to consider.
Use Your Wood-Burning Fireplace Sparingly
If you have a wood-burning fireplace but find that you still need to reach for the thermostat while you have a beautiful fire going, there is a logical reason for that. While a fire that is burning wood is aesthetically pleasing, 80% of the heat that is being generated is not making its way into your room. It is actually escaping through the chimney. As the hot air leaves, the chimney also winds up sucking in cold air via any gaps in your vents, windows, and doors. If you are really trying to keep yourself warm but trying to avoid reaching for the thermostat, you are likely better off turning on the space heater or bundling up.
Ceiling Fans
You can save a lot of money on your gas bill simply by using your ceiling fans to their full potential. In the winter, you are going to want to make sure your ceiling fans are set to run clockwise. Heat rises, so a clockwise-running ceiling fan takes the warm air that is pooling near the ceiling and helps to circulate it evenly around a room. Utilizing ceiling fans in the winter can play a big part in not having to reach for the thermostat to warm a home more than it already is.
Make Sure Your Heating System Is Running Efficiently
If your heating system is not running at its optimal efficiency, it has to work harder to keep your home warm, which can drive up your gas bill. To make sure that your system is ready to keep you warm in the winter as efficiently as possible, it is best to have a technician come out for a routine maintenance tune-up in the fall. During a routine maintenance check, a technician will go over every aspect of your system to make sure it is in pristine working order and can give you advice on how to keep it running optimally.
Speak to a Professional About Ways to Lower Your Gas Bill
If you are in Salem, Cumberland, Gloucester, Salem, Cape May, Camden, Atlantic or Burlington County, we would love to speak to you about strategies for lowering your gas bill. At [company_name], we know how important it is to save money while also not compromising the comfort of you and your loved ones. We have been giving trustworthy service and advice to the South Jersey community for over 75 years. While we can definitely help you find ways to save on your gas bill, we are also available for any other heating, cooling, or plumbing issues you might have.
If you are ready to save money, contact [company_name] today.